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    Charlotte Douglas Photo

    Charlotte Douglas

    Yoga Teacher, Flex Studio & LoveLifeHK

    Hong Kong

    Charlotte has been practicing yoga for 12 years, a devoted student of Angus Ford-Robertson in London, she came to understand just how amazing the practice of yoga could allow her to feel. Since arriving in Hong Kong 7 years ago she was lucky enough to be able to study for her 250hr TT under Wanda Hewitt of Yoga Limbs and has been teaching full time now for 4 years. Charlotte teaches Hatha yoga with a firm focus on breath inspired movement, with the understanding that the purpose of the asanas is to participate in and enhance the breath, allowing the breath to be our guide and focus. It is her belief that yoga is for everyone, that yoga is not about looking good in a pose, but feeling good in a pose, that yoga is about knowing who we are and being ok with that - As Krisnamacharya said "If you can breathe, you can do yoga".

    Charlotte teaches all over HK island as well as running intimate retreats at her home on Lamma Island. A trained pre and post natal yoga teacher, Charlotte is also trained in Raja Yoga and is currently working towards her Yoga Therapy 300hr certification. As well as being a yoga teacher Charlotte is also a trained homeopath, practicing in both London and Hong Kong since 2007. Ultimately Charlotte is passionate about helping people finding wellness, good health, peace and happiness through both yoga and natural forms of healing.

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