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    Charlena Ortiz Photo

    Charlena Ortiz

    Founder, Grit & Virtue


    Charlena is the founder of Grit & Virtue, a company that exists to equip women on a mission to build unstoppable momentum, become spiritually confident and to never feel alone on the journey. A go-to place for women on a mission to thrive. To experience real connection, quality resources, and encouragement that inspires the soul. Grit & Virtue is on a wave of unstoppable momentum and excited for the launch of their upcoming products and services.

    Charlena studied Business and Marketing in College, and after went on to become a certified coach with a focus in Positive Psychology. Her heart and journey for helping women started many years ago. It took years of coaching women for her to realize that there was a need for a place where women can thrive, not only from a professional perspective but also spiritually and holistically—which lead her to begin Grit & Virtue.

    Charlena is a hugger not a shaker, an introverted extrovert, and loves to challenge people beyond their comfort zones. She works closely with her husband Roberto to move G&V forward. They recently relocated to Boulder, Colorado after spending years working in the Silicon Valley and they’re loving every minute of it.

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