Kickass Women Slaying the World: Adelaide Edition
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Carmen Garcia is the CEO and Founder of National award-winning diversity and inclusion company, Community Corporate, operating in the niche space of corporate social responsibility. Specialising in diversity employment and workforce strategy she is fondly known by her peers as the Diversity and Inclusion Warrior. This social entrepreneur has built a for purpose social enterprise that designs and activates innovative solutions that make a profound economic and social impact with an impressive corporate client list and federal government contracts. She was recognised in 2018 by InDaily as one of the inaugural 40 Under 40 Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs in SA and went on to win one of only four individual awards for State Contribution – now co-convening the Alumni and a member of the judging panel. In 2020, she received an Australia Day Commendation Award for Inspiring SA Women, was also jointly awarded the Governor’s Multicultural Award for Individual Outstanding Achievement and her business was listed as one of SA’s Fast Mover companies in 2020.
Carmen is a Board Director on the NSW based Bread and Butter Project and is the youngest and first Australian-born Filipina historically elected as the National President of the Filipino Communities Council of Australia, the peak body for some 300,000 Filipinos in Australia – the fifth largest ethnic community. She has received several other awards both nationally and internationally for her business acumen, leadership and innovative projects. Carmen is a highly regarded social impact innovator for her determination and ability to challenge conventional thinking and tackling wicked social problems.
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