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    Ben Kroll Photo

    Ben Kroll

    Co-Founder + Chief Operating Officer, Skyfire Consulting


    Ben manages the day to day operations at Skyfire which was founded in 2015 and serves the public safety industry by integrating drone technology into law enforcement and fire-rescue operations. From a background in curriculum development as an FAA licensed flight instructor and commercial pilot, Ben has brought his manned-aviation experience to the drone industry and serves as a thought leader and international speaker on the integration of drones into multiple industries. As a member of the FAA Integrated Public Partnership program, Ben wrote the first of its kind "Beyond Visual Line of Sight" authorization and safety assessment for Chula Vista Police Department’s Drone as a First Responder Program. In addition to serving on multiple industry committees and boards, Ben has expanded Skyfire’s operations to other industries to include emergency response and overwatch. Ben recently opened Skyfire’s first satellite office in Colorado and when not traveling on a commercial flight, lives in downtown Denver with his wife Shannon and their 11 year old Bluer Heeler, Chef.

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