Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    Bec Martin Photo

    Bec Martin

    Senior Developer Evangelist, Xero


    Bec Martin is a Developer Evangelist at Xero, and is part of an fantastic team that maintains the developer ecosystem around Xero’s add-on partners. Bec is also part of the Australian hackathon scene and the social developer community in the Australian region.

    Bec left life as an accountant to pursue technology and development. Since then she’s worked on a variety of different projects for enterprise clients as a technology consultant and freelance developer. She’s also passionate about making other girls and women aware that technology is a viable and rewarding career option for them too.

    Bec has a deep understanding of the many different facets of a working organisation, and especially the power and importance of digital technology. She has a passion for creating innovative solutions, enabled by technology, from inception to fruition.

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