Understanding Chief Digital Officers
General Assembly has teamed up with Oxford Saïd Business School to conduct an in-depth research project on the role of the Chief Digital Officer.
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On a mission to accelerate business value in the digital world. Enjoy leading cross-functional digital transformations, high value critical programs & projects, and organization capability building. Believe that technology is an incredibly powerful tool in the hands of driven and innovative leaders who want to make a difference, and that we are in the very early stages of a massive transformation that will surprise even the most visionary. Doing my bit to make that future a reality at companies like Prudential and Procter & Gamble.
Have a personal passion for technology and gadgets of all kinds, and can often be caught tinkering with 3D Printers, Particles, Raspberry PIs, Robots, Home Automation & Networking, Cloud Services, Machine Learning, Audio/Video equipment, Photography equipment, Telescopes, and various combinations of the above.
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