Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    Arnab Mukherjee Photo

    Arnab Mukherjee

    Senior Analyst, Westpac


    I'm a Senior Insights Analyst with 14+ years of experience in Data Analysis, Data Science , Advanced Analytics in Banking, Telecom and IT domain.

    I started off as a Software Engineer but my inquisitiveness towards numbers led me to the path of Data Science which in turn, has made me analyze each problem like a short story in itself.

    My previous experience includes (but not limited to) Automation in Python, Data Analyst and Advanced Analytics roles in organizations like Westpac, Servian, Intel, Alcatel Lucent, Sasken , HCL etc. I love to travel and have explored 23 countries including driving on the "Highest Motorable Road in the World". Other than getting to know different people , cultures, way of life, my love for travelling have made me highly adaptable and creative which have definitely had a positive influence on my personal and professional life.

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