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    Anna Reeves Photo

    Anna Reeves

    CEO & Co-Founder, That Start Up Show


    Anna is creative entrepreneur, producer and writer with a passion for culture change storytelling. She has worked for leading media production houses including: CordellJigsawZapruder, XYZ Films/Foxtel, and Renegade as a business affairs & brand manager. She has written and produced company culture videos as part of transformative workshops with global organisations such as the Accor Asia Pacific Hotel group, Qantas, BT, Westpac Group, KPMG, Vodafone, and AusPost. She is co founder of That StartUp Show, an online TV series focused on startup culture with a global viewership of over one million. She has a Bachelor of Arts and Law from Australian National University and Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice. She is a regular MC, speaker at startup industry events. 

    She is currently working on The Stand In My Shoes Project, a VR documentary film and education lab exploring the evolution of empathy.  She was also accepted into the Victorian College of the Arts for drama/acting.

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