Ann Marie Alongi
Global Business Development Professional
Los Angeles
Ann is a Professional Business Development Consultant, International Entrepreneur, and an Emerging Market Specialist. She has held Senior Level domestic and international positions where she has consistently formulated and executed new and emerging market entry strategies. Her highly proficient principles and rationale of customer relationships at Senior Management and Board Levels allows her to lead, to motivate, and to deliver immediate impact on an organization's sales revenue.
Ann has worked and lived in Moscow, Russia, Johannesburg, South Africa, and London, England for more than 25 years. She has opened new and emerging markets for blue-chip companies, SME’s, Pre-IPOs and Start-ups. She has done this in some of the toughest markets around the globe including: the Russian Federation and other former Soviet Countries; in Eastern and Western Europe; within the United Kingdom and Sub-Saharan Africa. She also works with foreign companies wishing to expand their markets into the United States and Canada. Ann holds a Bachelor of Science
Degree in Business Management from Boston College.
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