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    Andrew Ellis Photo

    Andrew Ellis

    Software Engineer, Starry, Inc.


    After a year and a half with Maxwell Health, and having met three awesome graduates from the Boston WDI program, Andrew decided to jump ship and start on his grand journey to become the greatest [Pokèmon Trainer] Web Developer there ever was. From humble-ish beginnings, he hasn't turned down a challenge since he began his journey, including "I don't know if you could ever be a developer". After fighting through impostor syndrome and a short grind of job-searching, he joined (formerly Project Decibel) to build awesome web interfaces, APIs, apps, and the list grows as the field of web development expands. His current projects require his acumen of JavaScript across the stack (think Node, Hapi.js, Backbone & Marionette), with Starry pushes the boundaries of JS development with the bleeding edge of the language. When he's not at work ( which is often ), he hangs with his cats, sleeps, plays the ukulele, and pioneers the East Coast's spam musubi scene.

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