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Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.

Join our Alumni Spotlight on Wednesday, February 26 with an ascending design leader from one of the world's biggest insurance brands.

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    Alyssa Tam Photo

    Alyssa Tam

    Director and Artificial Intelligence Lead, AIA EDGE, Group Innovation unit in AIA

    Hong Kong

    Alyssa is the Director and Artificial Intelligence Lead of AIA EDGE, Group Innovation unit in AIA.

    With nearly 20 years of global experience, Alyssa has extensive network in Consulting, Banking, and Insurance industry in the region. Her experience spans across multiple disciplines in Analytics, Marketing and Strategy. Prior to her role in AIA EDGE, Alyssa ran Regional CRM for AIG

    and was the Executive Director of Global Sales Technology at Goldman Sachs Asia. Her career highlights include running the IPO Marketing and Communications Workstream of the AIA IPO, the world’s largest IPO in 2010.

    In recent years, Alyssa ventured into the Strategy and Innovation space where she believes will bring the most disruption to the Healthcare and Insurance industry. She set up the AIA Accelerator, Asia’s first digital health corporate accelerator with a goal to accelerate AIA’s innovation agenda. Alyssa is also the Founder and Executive Director of the AIA Emerging Entrepreneur Challenge, a youth innovation program which children age between 8-12 pitch business ideas to change the world.

    Alyssa is a speaker/panelist at international forum with the most recent presentation and keynote address at Clickz Live Hong Kong, The Future of Insurance, and Women in Leadership Summit. She also judged at numerous start-ups pitch competitions such as the HKUST Designathon, StartmeupHK Fintech Pitch, and Citi Mobile Challenge.

    Fluent in English, Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese Chinese, and Vietnamese, Alyssa holds a B.S. in Applied Mathematics, M.S. in Statistics from Georgia Institute of Technology, and Strategy and Innovation Diploma at Oxford University Said Business School.

    In her free time, Alyssa enjoys reading and investing.

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