ShiftED: Future-Proof Your Career: Break Into Data
Take a peek into a day in the life of a variety data professionals and find out the difference between data analytics and data science and everything in between.
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Aaron Tan heads the Data & Analytics team at the Singapore Exchange (SGX), responsible for the strategy and execution of data analytics projects that enable business and support units to make intelligent, data-driven decisions. He oversees the running of centralized big data platforms, drives policies and implements standards in Data Governance and Management, and directs a Data Science team in building capabilities in Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning.
Aaron has vast experience in designing and building applications that provide data analytics for various domains including Sales & Trading, Transaction Cost Analysis, Compliance and Regulation. With more than 15 years of experience in the Financial Services industry, Aaron
possesses a good understanding of Global Markets, Electronic Trading and Clearing Settlement across multiple asset classes. He has lived and worked in New York City and Singapore.
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