Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
Imposter Syndrome is the phenomenon of behavior stemming from the belief that, despite proof otherwise, we are vocational imposters and frauds, and that we have been duped by our own rationalized thoughts into believing that we overstate skills that we don’t actually possess. By using Inquiry to dissolve these false thoughts and their underlying beliefs leading to the discovery and proof of truth, we can live fully and authentically in the freedom to embrace our passion and enthusiastically present to the world our fully-qualified professional selves.
Learn to identify and define Imposter Syndrome, distinguish between the social self and the essential self, identify fraudulent thoughts, test them against the truth and assess the physical and emotional response to fraudulent thoughts through the confirmation of truth.