Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
While demand for UX has exploded over the past few years, womxn and non-binary folx are still underrepresented in the field — similarly across tech in general. Through events like these, we hope to empower womxn and non-binary folx to bring their whole selves to work — building confidence, balancing the ratio in the UX industry, and effecting change on a greater scale.
Mentors can be a positive influence in your career, helping to guide your decision-making process and inspiring you towards different directions you may not have even known about. How can you determine whether someone is willing to act as your mentor? How do you bring up the idea of mentorship? How do you keep it going for the long term?
Our panel of UX professionals will chat about their mentorship experiences — both as mentor and mentee. Come with questions! There will be plenty of opportunities to chat directly with our speakers.
Learn about how you can set up yourself and others for future success. We will cover the different stages of mentorship: making the connection, maintaining the relationship, and ways to pass on your own expertise.
Coraly Rosario, Senior UX Designer - Wheel of Fortune team @ Scopely Tina Kong, UX Designer @ Fox (Film, TV, and Sports) Susanne Soliman, Director of UX Design and Research @ Bluebeam