Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    Why & How to Land A Startup Job in 2022 | Online

    About this event

    The hype around successful tech startups and their crazy stories of multimillion dollar exits has definitely driven the demand for startup jobs. But beneath all the bright lights and glitter, what are the key considerations for joining a start-up? What are some of the myths and what does reality look like working for a start-up?

    In this session, our expert will share some personal experience on a range of topics to share their view on the traits that can help you succeed at a start-up, the major difference in preparing for a start-up interview and what you should expect from working inside a start-up.

    No matter what stage you may be in your career, you will gain some insights into how employers evaluate candidates, how to make the right career choices for yourself and how to drastically improve your chances of landing a dream job at the next unicorn start-up.

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