Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

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    UX & Accessibility: Design for Good

    Online Campus


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    UX & Accessibility: Design for Good | Online

    Online Campus


    Past Locations for this Event

    About this event

    In the ever-changing landscape of technology, we are all designers. As designers, we are responsible for creating worlds of experiences, environments, services, and systems that impact millions of people – with lasting impacts.

    In the sophisticated world of technology where accessibility is critical to one’s experience, there is more to be done to elevate its power. What else can we do with UX & design to broaden technology’s reach and what are the design solutions we can build into our services and products to make them more consciously inclusive?

    Join us for this presentation where design experts will discuss how we can make technology more inclusive for the blind, deaf and disabled users by designing & building products that level the playing field for all users. We’ll open the floor up for a candid discussion after.

    This event will be in French.

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