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Uber + GA Education Masterclass: How to Build your First Website - Coding for Beginners

Online Campus


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Uber + GA Education Masterclass: How to Build your First Website - Coding for Beginners | Online

Online Campus


Past Locations for this Event

About this event

HTML and CSS are the fundamental building blocks of the web. Whether you're a beginner who wants to get started in web development, a designer looking to hand-code their concepts, or a marketer who wants a little more control over their CMS, you'll need to know HTML and CSS to get the job done.

This session, designed for the beginner programmer, will assume no previous coding knowledge. We'll go over key coding terminology and principles, introduce languages like HTML and CSS—what their functions are, how they work together—and use that new knowledge to write our own code and develop our own simple site.


This class will cover a number of introductory topics including:

  • What is programming?
  • The different coding languages and how they fit
  • Back end vs Front end
  • Overview of HTML, CSS
  • Overview of databases and key coding languages
  • Techniques to use at-home when stuck on code.

  • Prereqs & Preparation

    If possible please bring a laptop with Sublime Text installed on it. Otherwise be prepared to take notes and perhaps work with someone who does have a laptop and follow along.

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