Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
A world crisis has created thousands of new startups and entrepreneurs. According to recent reports, the US Census Bureau states that applications for new solo businesses increased by 77% in 2020. Unfortunately, far too many business owners start off with a great idea, only to fail due to lack of focus and clarity. Or, they didn't have the tools, knowledge and resources to create a sustainable business.
However, just like previous periods of economic downturn, we’re bound to see many successful companies emerge during this time. During this session you’ll learn how to avoid common pitfalls while building a sustainable and rewarding business.
● Learn how to focus your idea(s) and develop a plan to execute your business
● Determine what success looks like for you
● Understand trendy businesses v. sustainable businesses
● Learn what to avoid and what it takes to be a sustainable business