Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
Applying for tech jobs and never hearing back? It can be a real mystery why a job that seems like a total fit for your experience doesn’t even merit a rejection email. The good news is you can totally learn how the pros apply for jobs (and it doesn’t require hours of networking or posting content on LinkedIn.) It turns out that busy recruiters and hiring managers need all the help they can get. Career Coach Timothy Thomas will fill you in on all the subtle elements of a modern job search – from fine tuning your resume and LinkedIn to acing Behavior Based interview questions. You’ll leave the class with everything you need to know to have your resume sail past the screening robots and into the hands of a hiring decision maker. Tim has helped hundreds of people go back to work in Seattle, and you can get the inside line on how to get the same results he gets. Nothing held back – you get everything you need to know to do-it-yourself! Tim will teach you his RecruiterReady methods and also open the floor for a Q&A session.
Bring your resume if you have one, pen and paper for notes, and an open mind!