Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
GA X ElewaTv welcomes attendees to a new space, a series of conversations about the future of technology and its influence in the creative process, especially for beauty, fashion, and cultural industries. ElewaTv has invited powerhouse panelists to team up to share their insights, personal experiences, and educational tidbits, to help you on your creative tech journey. Our panel will cover what more we should be doing in the creative space as technology is evolving.
Join us for an opportunity to not only learn, but also to network with those who are paving the way for diversity and inclusion in the creative industry. The Creative Chat is a call to action: giving voice, strategy, and opportunity, to help creators and entrepreneurs build their next successful brands/businesses. Read our takeaway list and speaker bios for further program details.