Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
Alex will share how the concept for Kano’s first computer and coding kit came to be -- a challenge that stemmed from his six-year old cousin, Micah, to build a computer as simple and fun as LEGO, “so no one has to teach me.” That ask soon became Kano, a DIY computer kit based on a small computer board called the Raspberry Pi. Alex and his cofounders took to Kickstarter in November 2013 looking to raise $100,000 in 30 days and wound up getting that much in just 16 hours. By the end of the campaign they had raised $1.5 million from backers in 86 countries, including Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak and Kickstarter CEO Yancey Strickler, and to date have shipped more than 40,000 of the $150 kits around the world.
This is an interactive live stream, and we encourage you to tweet any questions before and during the live stream by using the hashtag #GALive