Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
TECH a monthly event series where we host thought-leaders from a specific industry and explore new intersections between their field and technology. Together, we discuss how they’ve been impacted by the rise of tech, ways they’ve adapted and innovated along the way, and what they expect to see in the future.
What You’ll Take Away:
Why It Matters:
The omnipresence of technology has rapidly transformed lives over the last decade (remember, the iPhone was only released in 2007). Now, it’s rare to go about a regular day without interacting with tech — whether it’s an alarm app that wakes you up, your Nest Thermostat-regulated apartment, or the software you use at work. Staying ahead of the innovation curve and being able to predict the future of tech in various industries has never been more important — both at work and at play.