Roses wilt. Skills don't. Our Valentine's Day gift to you? Savings on a bootcamp, short course, or workshop of your choice.
This is IT. Learn the skills you need to break into a career in information technology with our newest bootcamp.
Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.
Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.
Join our Alumni Spotlight on Wednesday, February 26 with an ascending design leader from one of the world's biggest insurance brands.
Building applications that require high-powered data analysis and visualization? Then you've almost certainly been told to consider Python. And why not? Python is a great programming language. It's not just the language that should be getting your attention, but also the ecosystem: the large, collaborative Python community, the incredible variety of packages it maintains, and its commitment to liberal open source licensing.
In this free seminar, we'll introduce you to some of the Python community's best offerings for data processing, analysis, and visualization. We'll show how incredibly easy it is to load and analyze data using Pandas. We'll show off some slick analytics using NumPy and SciKit-Learn, and visualize the results in Bokeh. And we'll organize it all in convenient IPython/Jupyter notebooks.
If you learn one thing from us, we want it to be this: don't reinvent the wheel. Focus on what makes your application truly unique, and lean on the rich Python ecosystem to give you the superpowers to pull it off.
It will be a whirlwind tour, no doubt. But every package we look at will be free, open-source, well-documented, and available on Windows, Mac, and Linux. If you miss anything, it will be easy to circle back and learn more. And you'll be able to grab all of these packages at once by downloading Anaconda, the free Python-powered analytics platform provided by Continuum Analytics.