The millennial generation provides a huge opportunity for nonprofits to rebuild and expand their donor base, but most nonprofits are clueless when it comes to how to find and engage with this audience.
Social media is the most efficient and effective way for millennials to connect to causes they care about. The viral nature of social media can help spread generosity and awareness—think “Ice Bucket Challenge”—and reach an unprecedented network of people.
This panel will discuss: - The importance of finding and acquiring millennials as a donor base for the future. - How to optimize your social media to engage millennials and turn them into donors. - What types of content millennials are responding to. - How to use your data to shape your social media strategy. - How to get millenials engaging with you on your page and how to capitalize off of that engagement.
6:30 - 7:00pm Networking.
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Panel Discussion.
What are millennials responding to on social media?.
Building up your social media network and creating community on your page that will:.
How to capitalize off of that engagement:.
Questions from the Audience
8:00 Final Networking .
8:30 End of Show .