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    Startup Law Academy 101: Setting up a business in Singapore

    Online Campus


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    Startup Law Academy 101: Setting up a business in Singapore | Online

    Online Campus


    Past Locations for this Event

    About this event

    Legal mistakes can doom even the best start-up concepts and founding teams. In this event we'll save you time, money, and heartache by preparing you to deal with the essential legal issues that every Singaporean start-up faces.

    General topics covered during this event include:

    • What you do and don't need a lawyer for
    • Structuring your company
    • Common mistakes made by founders
    • What are rules for foreigners in Singapore when setting up a business
    • Before you start your business, should you patent or copyright the business idea and procedure? If you have to apply for IP protection, how much will it cost and how long will it take?
    • If you are already running a company and would like to start a new business, can you plug your new business under my pre-existing company?
      Personal Data Protection Act – is it for all businesses even SMEs? How can you ensure that my business is compliant?
    • What should you consider when planning to do business with overseas companies?


    You will learn about:

    • The most common legal mistakes made by startup founders (be on the front foot and learn from other founders’ experiences).
    • The legal aspects of structuring your business.
    • The core contracts startup founders need to have in place to protect their business and themselves.

    Prereqs & Preparation

  • None

  • Coming up near you

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