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    SQL Training for Beginners

    Online Campus


    SQL Training for Beginners | Online

    Online Campus


    About this workshop

    Do you keep hearing the word ‘SQL’ buzzing around and want to find out more about it? This 3 hour workshop will provide an introduction to fundamental concepts in relational databases and using the query language SQL. Participants will learn to how to work with data that is stored in a relational database. By the end of the workshop, you will be able to use basic SQL commands to pull data to answer business questions. This workshop is for people who have never used SQL or relational databases and want to learn more about these topics.


    • Introduction to Basic SQL concepts
    • Understanding of accessing remote databases
    • Ability to build basic queries to retrieve data, using the following commands: SELECT, FROM, WHERE, ORDER BY, LIMIT, GROUP BY, and HAVING

    Prereqs & Preparation

    • No prior knowledge is required. This workshop is geared towards absolute beginners in SQL and relational databases.
    • You will need to bring a laptop and have the permissions or admin privileges settings in order to install pgAdmin4.

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