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    [RESET FEST] LinkedIn: Your Secret Weapon to Reach Millions in 2023

    Online Campus


    [RESET FEST] LinkedIn: Your Secret Weapon to Reach Millions in 2023 | Online

    Online Campus


    About this event

    Overview: The opportunity on LinkedIn in 2018 is massive. As you read this, people are using the platform to generate more sales, build their brands and create communities around the ideas they care about. It’s their business’ secret weapon. This talk shines a light on exactly how they’re doing it.

    Whether you’re a LinkedIn veteran or yet to sign up, Ben Bradbury’s interactive talk delivers practical advice that you can start using immediately to succeed on LinkedIn this year. LinkedIn is all about relationship building, so there will be plenty of time to network for all attendees.

    What You'll Take Away:

    • What goes into a top tier profile that gets noticed by the right audience
    • Tools and tricks used by salespeople and marketers to get more leads
    • Content templates you can use to reach thousands of users
    • How to use ‘power networking’ to connect with people normally out of reach

    Why It Matters: 2023 will be the year of LinkedIn. The platform has the power to connect you with virtually every working professional under one roof, and you can unleash your message on thousands of viewers every day without spending a penny.

    LinkedIn gets 2 new users every second. It’s growth shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. If you’re a business owner or trying to grow your brand, the time to take advantage of this massive opportunity is right now.

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