Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
At Rails Girls, we'll dive into technology and the local community during a free two day crash-course into the exciting world of building web applications with Ruby on Rails.
Women of any age with basic knowledge of working with a computer are invited! We’ve had people of all ages taking part, most of the crowd usually is young women in their twenties, but we truly welcome everyone.
Rails Girls 第三回! 我們將舉辦2天的工作坊,幫助女生們進入 Ruby 以及 Rails 的世界,讓你們有能力實現自己的夢想。
Day 1 - Friday, 13 May
7pm - 9pm: Installfest 環境安裝
9pm - onwards: Coach dinner 導師晚飯
Day 2 - Saturday, 14 May
10am - 11am: Registration, coffee 報到以及繼續安裝環境 11am - 11:30am: Welcome 11:30am - 1pm: Workshop 1pm - 2pm: Lunch 2pm - 4pm: Workshop 5:30pm - onwards: Afterparty!
You need your own laptop, curiosity and a sprinkle of imagination! 學員需要準備 學員必需自備筆記型電腦, 作業系統不限(推薦MacOS或Linux/BSD平台)