This workshop will focus on the concept of Personal Branding and equip introverts with techniques and tips to help you interview, network and navigate the world of work with confidence.
Johnathan Maltby and Caitlin Fairchild will deliver the workshop in three parts, with the opportunity for audience questions at the conclusion.
Part 1 - Personal Branding with Johnathan Maltby
Everyone has a Personal Brand, whether they realise it or not. Many people really struggle to talk about themselves as they have no idea what their Professional Identity is, which in turn makes it challenging to communicate it effectively.
The first part of the session is designed to help you start thinking about your Personal Brand and provide you with practical steps on how to start building and communicating your Brand both online and offline.
We will explore techniques to help you take control of your brand and gain clarity on your career direction.
A strong Personal Brand will position you as an authority in your domain, a person of influence and can help you achieve your career goals a lot quicker.
Participants will learn:
Part 2 - Introverts in the Extroverted World of Work with Caitlin Fairchild
This workshop will assist those who identify on the introverted side of the personality scale or those who manage introverts and want to better understand their team members.
Caitlin will explain the differences between introverts and extroverts, why the world of work is the way it is, and how to better utilise your strengths as an introvert. Caitlin will also provide practical tips on interviewing, networking, attending conferences, and provide strategies on how to be authentic to yourself while succeeding in the extroverted world of work.
Students will learn:
Part 3 - Bringing It All Together
Johnathan and Caitlin will then share practical strategies on how introverts can communicate their Personal Brand, raise their profile and be visible but still embrace being an introvert.
Concluding the session, there will be time for audience questions.
Bring a notebook and pen.