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    Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

    Online Campus


    Overcoming Imposter Syndrome | Online

    Online Campus


    About this event

    Do you have a voice inside your head saying you could achieve so much more - at work, in your community, at home? It's a nagging doubt that you're not good enough, not clever enough, and not worthy - and can sadly prevent you from reaching your potential.

    Believe it or not, this internal chatter happens to even the most successful people. Many high achievers have an internal voice asking “did they really mean to promote me?”, “am I really good enough?”, “what if I'm 'found out'?”. This voice is incredibly stressful and can get in the way of achieving even more.

    This experience is more than likely imposter syndrome, and it's incredibly common.

    In this talk, our knowledgeable speaker Kate Atkin will help you understand what imposter syndrome is and where it comes from. You'll walk away with tips and techniques grounded in science and work in the real world, to help banish those imposter feelings.


    • Understand what imposter syndrome is and isn’t, and how it differs from self-doubt.
    • Recognise some of the causes of imposter syndrome.
    • Leave equipped with at least three ways to combat the imposter feelings.

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