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    Mozilla Developer Roadshow: A Day Working on CSS Grid + Layout with Jen Simmons

    San Francisco Campus

    GA SF
    225 Bush Street, 5th Floor (East Entrance)
    San Francisco CA 94104

    Mozilla Developer Roadshow: A Day Working on CSS Grid + Layout with Jen Simmons | San Francisco

    San Francisco Campus

    GA SF
    225 Bush Street, 5th Floor (East Entrance)
    San Francisco CA 94104

    About this event

    Featured Expert: Jen is a Designer and Developer Advocate at Mozilla, where she advocates for web standards and researches the coming revolution in graphic design on the web. She’s spoken at events including An Event Apart, SXSW, Fluent, Generate, Future of Web Design, and Respond.

    Overview: In the early years of the web, there was a lot of variation and experimentation with where to put content on a web page. Now with new CSS properties for layout landing in browsers, we may be about to see a bigger renaissance in layout design patterns. In this day long workshop hosted at General Assembly NYC campus, Jen Simmons shows us how we can better design for the true medium at hand.

    What You’ll Take Away: Join us for our meetup-style, Mozilla-focused event for people who build the Web. Hear from our expert speaker, Jen Simmons, highlighting the latest and best in Mozilla and Firefox technologies.


    New Web Standards including WebAssembly, CSS Grid & Layout, Service Workers Electrolysis (e10s) Carto CSS Developer Tools, including Grid Inspector and Node Debugger Game Development Mozilla and Firefox Open Source Workshop Web Compatibility Web Extensions Web Security, including Let’s Encrypt and tracking protection Web Games Web VR Quantum Rust Servo

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