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    Marketing Week | Why Marketing to Gen Z is A Whole New Game

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    Marketing Week | Why Marketing to Gen Z is A Whole New Game | Online

    Online Campus


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    The attention span of a Gen Zer is a mere eight seconds—that’s four seconds less than their millennial counterparts. For marketers, this means that first impressions must count. You either effectively craft a creative campaign enough to grab their attention in that short space of time, or it will completely brush past them.

    In order to fashion attention-grabbing content for this group, marketers need to understand their behaviour. As digital natives, technology and social media is the primary way they get to engage with brands. With so much convenience and choice, they have higher brand expectations as they can easily switch to an alternative if not instantly gratified.

    With ever-changing consumption habits and preferences, Gen Z consumers still demand brands to match the pace and relevance of their interests and moods. We’ve assembled a panel of marketing experts who have successfully embraced these nuances and created outstanding campaigns that resonated with Gen Z. Join our event as we discuss the unique characteristics and behaviors of Gen Z and effective marketing strategies you can adopt to capture the hearts and wallets of these digital pioneers.

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