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    Level-Up at Excel: Implement Advanced Skills and Algorithms

    Online Campus


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    Level-Up at Excel: Implement Advanced Skills and Algorithms | Online

    Online Campus


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    About this class

    Virtually everyone who works with data could benefit by gaining a better understanding of Microsoft Excel. This class will extend beyond the simple addition of data and will put students in a position where Excel is no longer a chore, but a powerful tool to assist in manipulating data efficiently. You’ll learn various functions and processes to help organize and analyze data and go through situational overviews of time-saving shortcuts to improve your efficiency dramatically. We will work through examples of advanced skills and algorithms that analysts to implement in the workplace, research, or academics.


    • Learn how to manipulate datasets using pivot tables and other functions.
    • Find out how to leverage the onboard statistical analysis tools to make effective conclusions on data.
    • Master the art of shortcuts to streamline the process of analysis in Excel.
    • Create seamless connections between data sources for reporting and dashboards.
    • Practice advanced skills such as ranking/indexing, complicated text manipulation, and table joins (i.e. Vlookup).
    • Implement advanced algorithms on sample data, such as customer segmentation (clustering) and forecasting.
    • Become familiar with Excel extensions to aid your workflow and analysis and keep you leveling up!

    Prereqs & Preparation

    Students should have a basic understanding of Excel and rudimentary functions (IF, SUMIF statements) as well as how to organize data into functional tables (i.e. how to create a data table in Excel with a simple understanding of sort and filter functionality). Students should bring a laptop with Excel installed. Mac-based laptops are preferable, though not required (certain shortcuts may not transfer directly into Excel for PC). The instructor will use a Mac for this class. Students should try to arrive a few minutes early to class, if possible.

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