Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
What would you do if the game you had been preparing for your whole life had changed? This is the question we all face today. Our one-leader-at-a-time past has given way to a present reality where everyone has the potential to lead in every aspect of life. We all have at our fingertips the tools of change that were once available to only a few. This shift from one-leader-at-a-time to everyone-leading-in-every-moment has created a changemaker effect on society. Change is no longer linear and faster, it's explosive and omnidirectional—and we are the first generation to navigate this reordered reality. Our iEverything world requires a new playbook.
Join GA as we host Hon. Henry F. De Sio Jr. for a conversation on how to thrive in every aspect of today's transformed societal landscape, empathy-based ethics, co-creative teamwork, and the ins and outs of the new game.