Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is often thought of as a complex and long-term process for marketers. But there are many quick and easy steps you can take to improve your website traffic and start a successful SEO campaign. Students will walk away with a solid base to create a search engine optimized web presence, plus a customized comprehensive plan to continue their efforts. In this workshop on “human-centered SEO,” you’ll learn the basics of how to analyze and improve your organic search performance on Google. You’ll dive into both onsite and offsite methods of improving your search rankings, while getting a glimpse of the software that most search marketers rely on. This is a hands-on workshop that will describe SEO techniques and take students through each step of setting up and optimizing their websites in class.
The wellbeing of our employees, students, clients, instructors, and guests is our number one priority here at General Assembly. We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation very carefully and are adjusting delivery of our programs.