Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
In a world where we constantly feel the need to be reachable or connected, how do we make sure we are working to our best ability or taking the time to switch off?
Join GA and Business & Relationships coach, Ryan Drake for a session on what it means to work in a digitally connected society and when to know to disconnect.
We'll dive into, - Why do we feel the need to be digitally connected? - What does productivity mean and are we not doing enough already? - Time management & prioritization techniques - How to digitally detox! - Resources and organisational tools.
This session is especially for those working in digital i.e. remote workers, digital marketers, software engineers, analysts and anyone constantly connected to their devices. It's time to start working smarter not harder!