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    How to Build a Culture of Brand Advocates

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    How to Build a Culture of Brand Advocates | Online

    Online Campus


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    About this event

    Your employees are one of the most valuable marketing assets available. Building a group of employee advocates may seem overwhelming, but is essential to your brand's image.

    The key is to understand why employees would advocate for the company. What's in it for them? How do you make it feel natural for them to advocate? How can you motivate them to do it well? What opportunities exist in Austin?

    In this session, we will explore the different motivators around brand advocacy and identify several ways that you can create this culture and equip your employees with the tools necessary to succeed.

    We invite the community to discuss with our panel what has worked well. Topics include: having a strong mission, fostering a culture of learning and development, recruiting self-motivated individuals, leveraging social media, and promoting community involvement through mentoring and speaking opportunities.

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