Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
According to Payscale, the largest uncontrolled pay gap is for American Indian and Alaska Native women, black or African American women, and Hispanic women. These women earn $0.75 for every dollar a white man earns, which improved by $0.01 from 2019. In other words, American Indian, Alaska Native, black and Hispanic women earn 25 percent less than white men when data are uncontrolled for all compensable factors. It's estimated that the wage gap won't be closed until 2186. We believe we can change it all. The first step? By speaking up. Please join GA and as we host a panel of BIPOC financial leaders for a candid conversation about money: how to get more of it, how we can be more comfortable talking about it, and ways to support one another in our fight for wage equality.
Join us as we learn how to get where we want to be when it comes to personal finances.