Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
A side hustle is a passion project or part-time job that someone pursues outside of their 9-5. This gig may put a person’s job skills to another use, or it could require a completely different set of characteristics and experiences.
Why it Matters
The “gig economy” is so impactful right now that NPR named it one of the biggest buzzwords of 2016.
Although some people start their side gigs with the intention of turning them into full-time jobs, lots of career professionals do it just because they love it. These folks are motivated by their passion for the work — and sometimes, the extra income, too.
The upside for job seekers: Not only do these folks get an extra outlet for their creativity -- they also appear more attractive to hiring managers. By investing in meaningful activities outside of work, people with side hustles exhibit initiative, creativity, motivation, and a willingness to take on more responsibility.
What You'll Take Away
Join us as we discuss the relevance of the side hustle to the recruitment process. These Boston professionals will discuss how side hustles have benefitted their careers - and provide tips on how to balance your full-time job with your extracurricular activities.