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    Financial Resilience in Times of Crisis

    Online Campus


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    Financial Resilience in Times of Crisis | Online

    Online Campus


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    About this event

    The COVID-19 outbreak has turned the United States economy on its head. With over 10 million people applying for unemployment in the last two weeks, the stock market taking a nose-dive, and a shelter-in-place order that has slowed the economy to a halt, it can be overwhelming to know how to think about your finances during times like this. When it comes to managing your money in times of crisis, financial literacy is not enough. This workshop will show you how to find financial resilience in uncertain times and empower you to take action for yourself and your community.


    • learn the 5 steps to financial resilience and how to utilize them in times of crisis
    • learn how to manage your income and expenses and navigate difficult conversations around bills
    • highlights on the stimulus package and other financial relief efforts and how to integrate into your finances
    • learn how to handle your existing investments (including 401ks, IRA's etc.) and how to think about investing in the stock market
    • overview of major systemic changes and economic events that could affect long term financial decisions

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