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    Designing a Career You Love in 2018

    Online Campus


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    Designing a Career You Love in 2018 | Online

    Online Campus


    Past Locations for this Event

    About this event

    To kick off 2018, General Assembly is putting together this light-hearted morning event to help get you motivated in the New Year! We are inviting local entrepreneurs, innovators, and business owners to share their stories and talk about how they gave up the traditional 9-5 to design a career path that they truly love.

    Why it Matters:
    Wouldn't it be great to wake up every day and be excited to start your work, instead of going through motions to satisfy "the man"? Too often, we focus on the wrong things while trying to figure out our careers. We think we either need to chase the money or give up everything to pursue our passions. The trick is finding the sweet spot where what you love, what you're good at, and what you value overlap one another.

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