Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
Is data a critical piece of content for your organization? Are you presenting it and sharing it, but thinking you could do better? Data visualization is an important part of many communications strategies, and we will show you how to mix necessary data rigor with a creative approach to achieve engaging end products.
As a follow-up to our webinar, “Data and Design: Learning the D’s of Visualization,” this workshop will explore the ways that creative frameworks and techniques can increase the impact of your data visualizations and infographics. At the same time, we’ll explore ways that existing data practices and conventions provide structure to guide your work.
The workshop is aimed at communications professionals, organizational leaders, designers of various kinds, and even researchers and other data producers.
Our experts, Tim Shaw and Corey Jones, will:
Help you focus on the goals and audiences of your data work, and what you are hoping to accomplish with it. Look for stories in simple, aggregated data (we will not be getting into true data science work) in order to know what can you say. Use structures and creative approaches to plan visualizations of model data sets, so that you can present your data in a way that achieves your organization’s goals
The session will be hands on, but you don’t need to be a numbers person or a visual designer. We are focusing on ideas and ways to engage. Be ready to explore and have fun!