Coding for UX Designers

Online Campus


Past Locations for this Workshop

Coding for UX Designers | Online

Online Campus


Past Locations for this Workshop

About this workshop

You are living the dream of being a UX designer, but do you still feel like something is missing?

It's probably time you learned how to code.

In this class, you'll hear about how challenging learning to code can be, but also how empowering it is when you have the skills to develop your own designs.

We'll also discuss what is possible in the browser, and common pitfalls that designers make that make a development team scratch their heads.

Coding allows you to solve problems (and no longer at the mercy of the dev team) and allows you to understand what’s possible. When a developer says “it can’t be done”, do they really mean it’s impossible, or that it’s more trouble than it’s worth?

This is an introduction to programming, designed to demystify code and show that anyone can learn the basics.


  • How to transition from designer to designer/developer
  • Tools to get started
  • Get a hands on go at coding using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Prereqs & Preparation

Bring along a laptop so you can follow along with the coding activities. Ensure you have a text editor installed, and have had a play with using it. Any text editor is suitable (but NOT Word, or Notepad).

Here are some examples: Sublime, Notepad++, Atom, TextMate, TextWrangler, Vi, Vim.

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