Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
General Assembly and Optimism Brewing Company join forces to bring the power of code to the Seattle community for one high impact, interactive evening.
In this two-hour, hands-on coding 101 crash course - you’ll discover the basics of coding using HTML and CSS.
Whether you are brand new to tech, starting to dip your toes into code, or just curious about the intersection of tech and our daily lives, Code in the Brewery will inspire you to jumpstart your journey and never stop learning.
Capacity is limited so admission will be first come, first served. Please RSVP.
Bring your ID, a fully-charged laptop and an open mind. Be ready to learn while sipping a brew or two.
5:30 Check-in + Grab a beer
6:00 - 8:00PM Coding 101 Crash Course - taught by Jackson Duhon, General Assembly Web Development Instructional Associate
By signing up for this event, you agree to receive communications from General Assembly and Optimism Brewing Company.
(Unfortunately, beers are not included by RSVP'ing.)