Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
Take a break from your busy day and come by the #GAPopUp in Old Street station during London Tech Week!
Amidst the hustle, bustle and chaos of life there exists an ocean of stillness; and it’s in your own body. Join Calmworks for an afternoon mindfulness "Taster" session.
Don't worry if you've never meditated before or know nothing about mindfulness or emotional intelligence; there's an inspirational talk, guided mindfulness practices, tools to apply at work and home and other concrete takeaways.
The talk will cover the neuroscience breakthroughs detailing how our brain and emotions evolved and can be ’regulated’. Be introduced to how to achieve new levels of self-awareness, empathy and compassion for work, relationships and life.
Here are some of the benefits: