Building a Working Demo In 2 Hours With Ruby on Rails: A 2-Part Class (Online Class)

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Building a Working Demo In 2 Hours With Ruby on Rails: A 2-Part Class (Online Class) | Online

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About this class

Want to learn Ruby on Rails? (...of course you do.) But maybe you don’t know where to start? In this class we’ll get moving with Rails. This class is for the very beginner, but with that said, we’ll assume you have a few basics down (see below) so that we can jump right in and start building. In only two hours we’ll code and deploy a simple app. It will connect to the database, and the user will be able to update, edit and delete info. In the final steps we’ll deploy to heroku and set this thing free so that everyone in the world can check in and see just how far your Rails skills have come - in only 2 hours. Takeaways: How to model and implement a solution to a problem using Rails What Models, Controllers, and Views are What Routes are and how to use them How your Models relate to the database underneath Understand database schemas and how “migrate” makes it a breeze Outputting our data into a view Styling views with basic HTML/CSS What Heroku is and how to deploy your first Rails app

Prereqs & Preparation

Prerequisites: A code editor such as Sublime Text Ruby installed on your computer (Ruby comes pre-installed on Mac) The Ruby on Rails framework installed on your computer: A basic knowledge of general coding concepts such as: variables, database connections, running a server A Heroku account:

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