Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
One of the biggest trends in hiring is behavior-based interviewing. After you have passed a phone screening your next step is The Loop – a series of interviews inside the company. In The Loop your potential employers want to get a sense of how you’ll be at work and on the job. They are looking for temperament and culture fit.
Because work is different than interviews, you’ll be asked questions about situations you’ve encountered in the past so the company can predict how you might behave in the future. These questions require you to assess your own behavior and are an opportunity to share times when you’ve succeeded, failed, performed well, and maybe even times you’ve had to apologize.
In our class we will explore the STAR method – a way to put work stories together so that these questions are easier to answer with confidence. STAR is an acronym for Situation, Task, Action, Result – the structure of a story from your work experience that relates to the question.
We will work with volunteers from the class who would like to be coached by the instructor through the process of answering Behavior Based Interview Question, getting real time feedback about their stories to make sure they are effective and relatable. It will be interactive and each attendee will leave with the building blocks of how to prepare meaningful stories that can help them ace the face-to-face interview loop.