Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
Applications are currently open for the new Techstars Retail Accelerator, in partnership with Target. Join as at GA and learn if this is right for you!
The retail industry is massive — and we are about to disrupt it. Worldwide, total retail sales were more than $22 trillion in 2014. That’s trillion with a “T.” If you're startup fits within this industry in any shape or form and you think a partnership with Techstars and Target could create exponential value for your company, we would love to chat.
The accelerator will run in Minneapolis, MN near the Target headquarters and kicks off in June 2016. During the 3-month intensive program, participants will receive intense mentoring and guidance from Target executives, key decision makers, and Techstars’ global network of more than 7,000 founders, mentors, investors, and corporate partners. Each company participating in the program receives $20,000 in funding upon acceptance, and access to an additional $100,000 convertible debt note at their sole option.
This info session will be an informal discussion about Techstars, Target, retail innovation, and hopefully answer any and all questions you may have about this amazing opportunity. Join us!
Get more application info on the Techstars Retail Accelerator, in partnership with Target and apply at:
Office Hours are planned for all day on January 22nd. You can register separately for a time slot here
6:30 PM - Welcome Drinks and Arrivals
7:00 PM - Introduction to the Techstars Retail Accelerator, in partnership with Target- What Startups Need to Know
7:30 PM - Chat w/ West Stringfellow - Entrepreneur in Residence, Target
8:00 PM - Q&A