Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries and tarot reader to the stars, consulted her tarot deck and has tips for which signs should leverage February’s Venus vibes to hit the accelerator on partnerships and collabs and which signs should do some additional due diligence before making any big decisions. She also has career growth advice—regarding internal and outside opportunities—and the best dates to schedule key meetings (like the full moon in Leo on February 12).
February starts powerfully on the first of the month, with Venus conjoining Neptune in Pisces, creating a heightened potential for partnership. These alliances can look like new clients coming on board, new team members joining, and even advantageous mergers being announced at the beginning of the month.
February also offers us a month of consistent momentum in communication as we are clear of Mercury retrograde until March. The ninth brings in a rare Mercury cazimi in Aquarius that sparks inspiration and innovation in areas that may have been stalled since 2024. Take advantage of the week of the Mercury cazimi and the Leo full moon on February 12 to schedule key meetings and launch dates. We wrap the month with a new moon in Pisces on February 27, bringing heightened creativity and intuition regarding remaining Q1 projects and initiatives.
Prepare for a month of new collaborations and opportunities. The first half of the month is the best time to meet potential new team members and catch up with mentors, while the end of February is a sweet spot for brainstorming and creative inspiration.
Read on to discover what the cards have in store for your sign.
Aries/Aries Rising (March 21 to April 19)
Card: Page of Wands
Page of Wands brings back some of that creative fire that you may have longed for since the end of 2024. Look to the first week of the month to usher in unexpected good news regarding a new project you’re perfectly suited to head up.
Highlight: Back in the Groove
Aries love a challenge, and the project coming your way at the beginning of February gets you fired up and excited to show what you can do. If you’re setting meeting times, the ninth is an advantageous day for your voice to shine due to the Mercury cazimi in Aquarius.
Heads Up: You’ll Get Further Together
Don’t allow your enthusiasm to steamroll over your colleagues—utilizing everyone’s strengths is essential and will get you further faster this month.
Mantra: Hey Now, You’re an All Star, Get Your Game On, Go Play
– Smash Mouth
Taurus/Taurus Rising (April 20 to May 20)
Card: Six of Wands
All your hard work from 2024 is paying off as you find yourself front and center this month, with higher-ups having a front-row seat to experience projects and presentations you’ve created.
Highlight: Well-Deserved Recognition
Though the first half of February may involve intense travel and meeting schedules, by the full moon on February 12, you’ll receive tangible evidence of your efforts paying off.
Heads Up: Focus on the Message Over Perceived Judgement from the Audience
Tauruses are notoriously hard on themselves, so be mindful of your inner critic when presenting the first half of the month. Remember to hone in on the integrity of the message over potential judgment from your peers.
Mantra: All Eyes on Me in the Center of the Ring
– Britney Spears
Gemini/Gemini Rising (May 21 to June 20)
Card: Ace of Pentacles
Ace of Pentacles indicates that an abundant new door is opening this month. This opportunity may be related to conversations initiated during Leo season (July through August) of 2024.
Highlight: Unconventional Networking Pays Off
If you’re in a cold winter climate, the last thing you may feel like doing is going to after-work happy hours or meetups in mid-February, but stepping out of your comfort zone will be worth it. Pay attention to an invitation on or near the full moon on February 12.
Heads Up: No Risk, No Reward
You’re ready for expansive change, so don’t hesitate to attend the event or send the outreach email. The Aquarian energy in early February loves risk-takers.
Mantra: It’s Go Time
– King P
Cancer/Cancer Rising (June 21 to July 22)
Card: The Fool
February comes in with the Fool offering a clean new slate for Cancers who may have had some false starts and slow beginnings to the new year in January.
Highlight: Don’t Call It a Comeback
The first half of this month offers closure around a challenging project or client. You may feel a mix of relief and anxiety as that door closes. Fortunately, several new abundant opportunities arrived as the sun moves into fellow water sign, Pisces, on February 19.
Heads Up: Focus On the Path Ahead
The new initiatives that are available to you this month require confidence. It’s essential not to look backward at past challenges or missteps but to instead focus on the next right steps for this project or client.
Mantra: Still Got It
– Tyga
Leo/Leo Rising (July 23 to August 22)
Card: The Star
Unexpected career and/or personal upheaval may have disrupted your launch into 2025, but fear not, Leo. Remember, after the Tower comes the Star in the Tarot, reminding you that February is your time to shine.
Highlight: Connection is Key
The Venus vibes at the beginning of February remind us of the importance of connection and collaboration. Use the first two weeks of the month to reconnect with former colleagues and mentors.
Heads Up: Surrender to Support
Leos are strong leaders and often take on more than their share of the workload. Now is the time to be open to receiving support. Look to the full moon in your sign on February 12 for important emails and calls that will open up new levels in your career.
Mantra: You Are Not Alone
– Patty Griffin
Virgo/Virgo Rising (August 23 to September 22)
Card: Six of Pentacles
You flew into 2025 energized and ready to go, Virgo. February is about revisiting and recalibrating your plan for the remainder of Q1 and making some important upgrades to your team.
Highlight: January Wins Paying Off
Successes from January have poured more abundance and resources into your department allowing you to expand upon plans for the months ahead. Use the second half of the month to strategize additional hiring or travel plans.
Heads Up: Pisces Season Patience
It’s best to adjust budgets and plans earlier in the month and get sign-off before the Pisces season hits (February 19) so that everything is set and ready to roll going into Mercury’s shadow period on March 1.
Mantra: Level Up
– Ciara
Libra/Libra Rising (September 23 to October 22)
Card: Four of Swords
The Four of Swords is ruled by Jupiter in your sun sign of Libra and indicates you’ll be rewarded for staying true to your own path this month. Utilize meeting-free afternoons for solo brainstorming during the second half of the month.
Highlight: Creative Inspiration Coming in Hot
Libra works well with fellow air sign Aquarius at the beginning of the month. Early February is a good time to check in with colleagues and collaborators before going into your solo zone at the end of the month during Pisces season (starting February 19), which is a powerful time to allow creative solutions to come in.
Heads Up: Unplug from Outside Noise
Client or department chaos may feel distracting as you enter February. Focusing on your path proves peaceful and fruitful as tangible results in new deals and clients arrive by the end of the month.
Mantra: My Own Lane
– Sunny Sweeney
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (October 23 to November 21)
Card: Four of Cups
Four of Cups indicates that you will have an offer—or several—appear this month, but that intuitive discernment in your response is key.
Highlight: You’re in High Demand
It’s always nice to be in demand, especially if you’ve felt underappreciated. This will change in February. By the new moon in Pisces at month’s end (February 27), you’ll have multiple doors open to you regarding the next steps in your career.
Heads Up: Don’t Buckle Under Pressure
Some of the opportunities may come with quick time constraints. Remember you are the one being sought after—if you need more time, ask for it.
Mantra: High Demand
– Saucy Santana
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (November 22 to December 23)
Card: Ten of Cups
January felt like it flew by in a flash for most signs, but especially for Sagittarians, who were moving at the speed of light while multitasking. February brings a slightly slower pace with more fun outings, events, and work collaborations.
Highlight: Plug Into Progress Through Connection
Sagittarians are known for being seekers and often extroverts, so the first half of February will serve you well. Utilize the Venus conjunction at the beginning of the month to connect with mentors and collaborators and make meaningful headway on passion projects.
Heads Up: Don’t Try to Go It Alone
February rewards teamwork and connection. Though Sagittarians are known for their fierce independence, now is the time to open up to receiving support and exploring collaborations.
Mantra: All Together Now
– The Beatles
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (December 22 to January 19)
Card: Queen of Cups
In true Capricorn fashion, it feels like your 2025 launched with intense inertia and very few breaks. While your commitment and hard work continue to bring you success, the Queen of Cups reminds you of the importance of nourishing yourself to maintain the momentum.
Highlight: Sustainable Success
February offers an opportunity to recalibrate and reboot your work strategy for the upcoming quarter. Pay special attention to insights and conversations around the full moon in Leo on February 12. The choices you make at this time will help you set yourself up for sustainable success from now through the summer.
Heads Up: Prioritize Downtime
Capricorns are notorious workaholics, but if the intensity of January didn’t already show you, February will reveal that sometimes less is more. Look at the end of the month after Pisces season begins (February 19) to see where you can give yourself a long weekend or some nourishing PTO.
Mantra: Let it Go, Let it Flow
– Dave Mason
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (January 20 to February 18)
Card: The Emperor
Happy b-day season, dear Aquarius. Just in time for your solar return, The Emperor is bringing a whole new chapter and a permission slip to build the career path you want.
Highlight: It is Your Nature to Innovate
The beginning of 2025 feels exciting—and perhaps a little scary—after significant changes at the end of 2024. The good news is that Aquarians are the rebels and master innovators of the zodiac, meaning if you can imagine it, you can create it. The first two weeks of February are ideal for conducting exploratory calls and brainstorming sessions.
Heads Up: Show Before You Tell
It’s exciting that you’re discovering multiple opportunities and potential ventures, but it’s better to use February to explore, research, and plan before making any big announcements.
Mantra: From the Ground Up
– Dan + Shay
Pisces/Pisces Rising (February 19 to March 20)
Card: King of Swords
The King of Swords is the ultimate truth bomb of the deck and reminds us that we create our experiences by the words we speak to and about ourselves. This month, your voice carries even more weight than usual with colleagues and industry peers.
Highlight: Speak it into Being
You have access to more eyes and ears on your work due to advantageous Venus conjunctions early in the month. Use this time to solidify meaningful collaborations that can take projects from 2024 to the next level this year.
Heads Up: Choose Your Words Wisely
Especially around the Mercury cazimi in Aquarius on February 9, watching the negative talk, particularly directed toward yourself and your work, is essential. Our words are amplified more than ever at this time, so ask yourself what it is that you want to magnify in your messaging.
Mantra: Careful with Your Words
– Aly & AJ
Harness February’s Venus vibes to level up your career
February offers us all a month of consistent momentum. Take it and move forward with real skills to elevate your career (or to find a completely new career). Sign up for a free tech skill class, info session, or career development event, register for a hands-on, two-evening workshop, embark on a full-time or part-time short course—or get skilled up for a complete career change in as little as 12 weeks with one of our full-time or part-time bootcamps.
Let us help you move forward with real skills. Get in touch today.