Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.

Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.

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Ellen Kourakos Photo

Ellen Kourakos

Chief Operating Officer, Health for America

Washington, D.C.

Ellen Kourakos is Chief Operations Officer at Health for America. Ellen has gained a reputation for being at the cutting edge of digital health technology development, using psychology and human-centered design in the creation of high-impact and low-cost health solutions. Previously a research and development engineer at the global medical technology firm CareFusion, Ellen accepted a year-long Fellowship with Health for America in 2014, during which she and her colleagues created a new startup that builds high tech but low-cost health products. As Chief Operations Officer at Health for America, Ellen is developing healthcare-specific design thinking and lean startup programming and expanding Health for America’s healthtech, clinical, and innovation partnerships. Ellen is a manufacturing and design engineer by training, earning her degree at Northwestern University’s McCormick School of Engineering.

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